
  • No Smoking in the house.
  • Leave furniture and cushions in place.
  • White towels must remain inside the house.
  • Beach towels for outdoor use are found in the closet at the top of the staircase.
  • No food in bedrooms or bunkroom.
  • If there’s a spill on furniture, area rugs or carpet, cleaned up is best immediately for the best results.
    • There’s a difference on how you would handle the different areas of spills.
    • Main Room/upstairs all fabric furniture pieces, down stairs media sofas and Area Rugs have a special Perennial fabric, use Clorox Cleaner & Bleach Spray Bottle found in the supply closet.
      • 1st Soak up the spill with a white damped towel with water
      • 2nd Spray Clorox Cleaner & Bleach on the spill area, let it soak in the spill area for 30 seconds
      • 3rd Rub spill area with a dry white towel until stain has disappeared
      • Repeat 2nd & 3rd process if stain is still visible
    • Wall to wall Carpets: Use Carpets Resolve Spot & Stain Carpet Remover Spray bottle found in the supply closet.
      • Follow the directions on the bottle
  • Please leave the house in reasonable condition prior to leaving. We want to keep our cleaning staff engaged.
  • Guests are to leave trash neatly bagged and tied, placed inside garbage bins in the garage.
  • Return outside rocking chair cushions and dining chairs to the furniture container.
  • Place all furniture covers on ALL outdoor furniture: Upper deck, Lower deck & Boat House deck.
  • Guests are to leave used beds unmade.
  • Please make sure NOT to take charging cables from the lake.
  • King Bedrooms: Used white bathroom towels are to be left to hang dry in bathrooms on hanging knobs.
  • Bunk Room: Used white bathroom towels are to be left to hang dry on the hooks in the first room of the bunkroom.
  • All beach towels are to be left to hang dry on the hooks in the upstairs long hall.
  • Make sure the boathouse trash bag under the sink is brought up to the garage trash bin container and that a new trash bag is put in place for the next guest.
  • Top off gas on all boats used during your stay.
  • Turn down A/C thermostats to 75 degrees. There are four thermostats throughout the house: Master, Main Living room, Hall between the two bedrooms, and down stairs Media room.
  • Make sure all doors are locked, curtains are closed, and lights are turned off in all rooms.
  • Set the alarm before exciting the house.



Remote Instructions for All Rooms

To Turn on:
Press the green button on the top left. Make sure you are pointing the remote to the TV so there is no obstruction such as a chair or couch. The TV will automatically default to DirecTV. If there is an error, press the “Main” button under the screen and try pressing the green button again.

To Watch Roku:
After turning on the TV (see above), press the “Main” button under the screen. Then press the “-“ next to the Roku icon on the screen.

To Turn off:
Press the red button on the top right. Make sure you are pointing the remote to the TV so there is no obstruction such as a chair or couch.

How to turn on the Water Feature.

  • The Water Feature is set to run automatically on Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the Spring and Summer months for two six hour sessions with a 30 minute break in between starting at 5:00am and ending at Midnight.
  • Turn sprinkler control dial located in the garage to the ”Manual” position.
  • Make sure the Program indicates “B” on the screen. It should also indicate Station 1 6:00 on the screen.  If it doesn’t, press the “Prog” button on the upper right side of the sprinkler controller until it indicates “B” on the Program Screen.
  • Immediately turn the sprinkler control dial to “Run”. You will know that it is working when you see the flashing icon of a sprinkler head on the screen and the 6:00 stops flashing.  From this point, it will turn itself off after six hours.  You will see that the 6:00 will start to count down to 5:59 all the way to 0:00.